The Funky Little Groove a Thon 2021

We are back after missing last year’s event due to Covid! We will all be gathering at the Bridgewater Inn in Sallins on the 27th of November 2021 to celebrate the life of the main man, Adzee! We have a fantastic night planned with live music followed by a DJ. Get your tickets below!

Annual Fundraiser

A MASSIVE thank you to all who donated!

This year at our 3rd Annual Funky Groove-A-Thon we raised €1750 for UNICEF and raised funds for the Adzee dance bursary. Thanks again to everyone for their support! We are very much looking forward to having a live event in 2021. Watch this space!!

Let's Get Social

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3 years ago

The last of the posts. We promise!

Tomorrow is our fourth year remembering Adzee. We would really appreciate all of the support we can get this year. So, if you can come to the event for any length ... See more

3 years ago

As we put together the final touches for Saturday's Funky Little Groove-a-thon we wanted to share the amazing raffle prizes we have lined up.

Our fantastic prizes include:

1 night stay in a ... See more

3 years ago

**Event update**

Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to change the venue for this year's Funky Little Groove-a-thon. Don't worry, the event will still go ahead on Saturday November 27 at ... See more

3 years ago

For this year's event our charity partner is UNICEF. All money raised from the event will be donated to their "Give Covid the jab this Christmas" campaign. Since early 2021, UNICEF’s team have been ... See more

As the charity grows we plan to host more events to spread a little “Adzeefication” around the world through ADZEE’S NATION. Please like our Facebook page Adzeefication Nation to be kept updated on the charities upcoming events and to be a proud member of ADZEE’s NATION.

Breda Merai


Adam Merai

RIP 8.11.2017

Our First Goal is to join similar minded people to keep Adam Alive, and continue his good actions


The third goal is to organise and assist in organising charity events


The second goal is to raise awareness for worthy causes in Ireland and abroad


Our Fourth Goal is to Accept Donations for our charity and for featured causes





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    Contact Us Now ! Call us: 086 882 6923

    email us: [email protected]